Angels are Watching Over Us

Posted on Thu, Oct 3, 2019:

Turning into Hardee’s at 6:50 am to get breakfast for my wife and daughter, I saw a lady pushing a wheel chair loaded with all her belongings. I watched from inside as she maneuvered it to a parking spot. God spoke to my heart. As I went out, she walked up. I can’t explained it, but I gave her a twenty. She smiled and said, “thank you”. She asked, “are you a preacher?” and I replied, “Yes ma’am”. She said, “I travel from city to city and preach on street corners”. I said, “bless you”. I went to my car as she entered Hardee’s. As I started to pull away, I looked in (had clear vision of the inside), and she was no where to be seen. She had disappeared!! I believe that I encountered an angel! Be alert we may entertained angels unawares. It has made my day. Angels are watching over us, amen.

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