Deacon Chair: Keit Tipton
Deacon Vice-Chair: Lonnie McKinney
Active Deacon Board: Bob Luke, Keit Tipton, Jack Jones, Mike Holder, Mike Rouse, John Gordon, Walter Bush, Greg Turton, Lonnie McKinney, Jimmy Goodman, Vic Cooper, Jesse Scarborough
Finance Committee: Al Davis, Walter Bush, Mike Rouse, Mary Anne Rouse, Kathy Miller, Gina Hobbs, Lonnie McKinney & Dawn Holder
Church Clerk: Lisa Greene
Music Director: Leeza Streetman
Children/Youth Director: Denise Bauer
Sunday School Superintendent: Walter Bush
Sunday School Secretary: Elizabeth Streetman
Co-ED Class: Bob Luke & Judy Goodman
Men's Bible Class: Men of the Class
Ladies Bible Class: Bonnie Gary & Ladies
Koinonia/Fellowship Class: Lonnie & Sandra McKinney
Children Sunday School: Denise Bauer, Dawn Holder & Judy Goodman
VBS Director: Denise Bauer
Pianist: Gail Hammock
Organist: Diane Murray
Women's Ministry: Maria Spillers
Brotherhood President/Men's Ministry: Jack Jones
Lord Supper Coordinators: Bonnie & Keith Gary
Building Committee: Mike Rouse, Roy Powell, Walter Bush, Bob Luke, John Gordon, Keit Tipton, Lonnie Davis, Jack Jones & Ken Long
Grounds/Cleaning Crew: Greg Turton, Nina Davis, and Keit Tipton
Decorating Committee: Laverne Miller, Annette Reason & Ladies
AV/Sound Committee: Mary Anne Rouse, Lori Turton, Andrew Miller & Leeza Streetman
Church Cook Team: Mike Holder, John Gordon, Tyler Adcock, Keit Tipton, John Merritt, Johnny Weldon, Andrew Grimsley & Wayne McDaniel
Van Drivers: Vic Cooper, Lonnie McKinney, Keit Tipton & Steve Hobbs
Church Hostesses Committee: Nina Davis, Lynn Cook, Annette Reason, Sandra Bowen, Dawn Holder, Teresa Jones, Keit Tipton, Tyler Adcox, Sara Long, Fred Duncan, Jean Duncan & Karen Luke
Ushers: Mike Rouse, Keit Tipton, Walter Bush, Mike Holder & Keith Gary
G. Crowe Benevolence Committee: Judy Goodman, Nina Davis & Betty Greene
Long Range Planning Committee: Warren Spillers, Denise Bauer, Nina Davis, Buddy Roseberry, John Merritt & Leeza Streetman
Security Committee: Keith Gary, Mike Rouse, Jesse Scarborough, Buddy Roseberry, Keit Tipton, Mary Anne Rouse, Denise Bauer, Greg Turton, Walter Bush & Jack Jones
Baptism Committee: Mike Rouse, Sara Long, Mike Holder, Sandra McKinney, Vic Moore & Tammy Moore
Children/Youth Committee: Denise Bauer, Evelyn Jones, Jennifer Denham, Judy Goodman, Tish Wetherington, Annette Gibbs & Betty Greene
Pantry Committee: Betty Greene & Carolyn Roseberry