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Lake Blackshear Baptist Church
Baby Shower for Daybreak Pregnancy Center

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Baby Shower for Daybreak Pregnancy Center

Posted on Fri, Apr 22, 2022

Sat., May 21, 10 AM, Church Fellowship Hall

The Women on Mission invite you to a "baby shower" for the Daybreak Pregnancy Crisis Center to be held on Saturday, May 21, 10 a.m. in the Church Fellowship Hall. All are invited.

Daybreak Pregnancy Care Center

Baby Shower Needs List for May 21, 2022 @10:00am


Diapers (all sizes including preemie)

Pullups (all sizes)

Wipes and wipe warmers

Onesies, sleepers, gowns (all sizes including preemie)


Burp cloths

Clothes all sizes through 24 months including preemie.

Socks and shoes all ages up to 24 months.

Diaper bags


Brushes, Combs, Barrettes, etc

Wash cloths and Bath items

Blankets (receiving, all sizes)

Crib sheets

Toys (all ages up to 24 months)

Strollers (umbrella type)



Car seats (must meet latest standards)

Please Note:  All items should be new with tags and in packages. No bottles or formula (both are individual needs/choices and formula goes out of date quickly) can be accepted.

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