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Upcoming Concert - Davidson Chorale of Augusta, GA

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Upcoming Concert - Davidson Chorale of Augusta, GA

Posted on Thu, Jan 30, 2020

Join us on Sun., Feb. 23, 11 AM for a meal & a concert from the Davidson Chorale of Augusta, GA.

The Davidson Chorale from the John S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School in Augusta, GA performs regularly at prestigious events and venues in their home state of Georgia, across the nation, and internationally. Founded in 1981, the choir has garnered invitations in 2004 and 2005 to appear at the ACDA Divisional and National Conventions, as well as performances at the GMEA conference in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2017.  In 2007, The Chorale performed at the NAfME Southern Division Convention in Charleston, South Carolina.  In 2007, and again in 2008, The Chorale became the first high school ensemble to present a concert on the National Gallery of Art Concert Series in Washington, D. C.  In 2010, the Chorale received an exclusive invitation to sing for Easter Sunday services at the historic St. Thomaskirche in Leipzig, Germany, the home church of J. S. Bach. The choir followed up this honor with a world premiere performance at Lincoln Center in NYC in 2011, and an invitation in 2012 to appear at Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, home of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They are the 2012 Winners of the American Prize in Choral Performance and appeared at the 2014 Southern Division ACDA Conference under the direction of Dr. Timothy Powell.  In 2016 the

Davidson Chorale performed at the request of Christ Church of Dublin, Ireland the Low Sunday

Mass and a Gala Concert with the New Dublin Voices, Dr. Timothy Sharp and Dr. Timothy

Powell, guest composers and directors all under the direction of Mr. Phillip Streetman.  In 2017, Chorale competed against over 25 choirs in a national choral competition at Walt Disney World and successfully earned Superior ratings, won Best in Class and won the National Competition.  In 2018, the Chorale toured Spain with a world premiere performance at the beautiful La Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona as well as performing in some of the most beautiful venues from Toledo to Madrid with standing room only performances. This year the Davidson Chorale adds to its distinguished performance list a collaboration with Marco Panuccio, Emmy nominated and award winning lyric tenor as well as a performance of Paris and Normandy in March of 2020.

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