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Lake Blackshear Baptist Church
Angels are Watching Over Us

The Hourglass Is Running Article 256 out of 1677 Make the Most of Life


Angels are Watching Over Us

Posted on Thu, Oct 3, 2019

Turning into Hardee’s at 6:50 am to get breakfast for my wife and daughter, I saw a lady pushing a wheel chair loaded with all her belongings. I watched from inside as she maneuvered it to a parking spot. God spoke to my heart. As I went out, she walked up. I can’t explained it, but I gave her a twenty. She smiled and said, “thank you”. She asked, “are you a preacher?” and I replied, “Yes ma’am”. She said, “I travel from city to city and preach on street corners”. I said, “bless you”. I went to my car as she entered Hardee’s. As I started to pull away, I looked in (had clear vision of the inside), and she was no where to be seen. She had disappeared!! I believe that I encountered an angel! Be alert we may entertained angels unawares. It has made my day. Angels are watching over us, amen.

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